
Showing posts from August, 2016


1. Inevitable- Avoidable 2. Exceptional- Common 3. Permanent- Temporary 4. Dim- Luminous 5. Reckless- Careful 6. Explicit- Ambiguous 7. Incredible- Believable 8. Repel- Attract 9. Rapidly- Slowly 10. Meticulous- Careless 11. Barbarous- Civilized 12. Successor- Predecessor 13. Urban- Rural 14. Conclusive- Indecisive 15. Terminate-Begin 16. Niggardly- Lavishly 17. Advanced- Receded 18. Enlightened- Ignorant 19. Moderate- Extreme 20. Superficial- Thorough 21. Scorn- Admiration 22. Trivial- Serious 23. Loquacious- Reserved 24. Confiscate- Release 25. Often- Rarely 26. Eminent- Notorious 27. Embark upon- Conclude 28. Diffidence- Boldness 29. Paucity- Plenty 30. Triggered- Choked 31. Fastidious- Adjustable 32. Grandiose- Simple 33. Bleak- Bright 34. Insolent- Humble 35. Lurid- Mild 36. Unscrupulous- Conscientious 37. Melodious- Tuneless 38. Contaminate- Purify 39. Frugal- Extravagant 40. Falling off- Improvement 41. Genial- Unkind 42. Shallow- Deep 4...


1. A bed of roses- comfortable and easy work 2. A black sheep- rogue 3. A bolt from the blue- sudden shock and sad event 4. A bone of contention- cause of dispute 5. A bottle neck- hindrance 6. A fair weather friend- companion of good times 7. A far cry- something very difficult 8. A feather in one’s cap- distinction 9. A fool’s paradise- utopia 10. A golden mean- middle course between two extremes 11. A herculean task- daring deed. 12. A hornet nest- cause of trouble 13. A lame excuse- greatest share 14. A laughing stock- an object of ridicule 15. A rainy day- a time of difficulty 16. A lion’s share- a major part 17. A red letter day -a very important day 18. A rolling stone -a fickle minded person 19. A shady deal -a dishonest and questionable transaction 20. A square deal- a fair bargain 21. A tall- talk boasting 22. A turn coat- one who deserts his principles, renegade 23. A white elephant- something very costly to maintai...