Just Concentrate on root "CIDE" and experience the wonder
✔ Words for Killings ⏺aborticide- killing of a fetus; abortion ⏺ acaricide - killer of mites and ticks ⏺ algicide - killer of algae ⏺ amicicide- murder of a friend ⏺ aphicide- killer of aphids ⏺ aphidicide- killer of aphids ⏺ avicide- killing of birds ⏺bacillicide- killer of bacteria ⏺ bactericide- killer of bacteria ⏺ biocide- killing living material ⏺ bovicide- slaughter of cattle; one who kills cattle ⏺ ceticide- killing of whales and other cetaceans ⏺ cimicide- substance used to kill bed-bugs ⏺ deicide- destruction or killing of a god ⏺ ecocide- destruction of the environment ⏺episcopicide- killing of bishops ⏺ famicide- one who destroys another's reputation; slanderer ⏺ felicide- killing of a cat ⏺ femicide- killing of a woman ⏺ feticide- killing of a fetus ⏺ filicide- killing of one's own child ⏺ floricide- killing or kill...