Vocabulary Words - 27.04.2016

1. PROCLIVITY (NOUN): inclination
Synonyms: predilection, penchant
Antonyms: dislike, disinclination
Example Sentence:
Some employees are never satisfied because they have proclivity towards complaining.

2. PASSING (ADJECTIVE) : transitory
Synonyms: temporary, brief
Antonyms: thorough, lasting
Example Sentence:
Don’t be proud of your beauty because it is passing in nature.

3. QUISLING (NOUN): traitor
Synonyms: betrayer, deserter
Antonyms: l oyal, faithful
Example Sentence:
The Mughals and the English always depended on quislings to defeat their indomitable enemies.

Synonyms: acute, biting
Antonyms: blunt, calm
Example Sentence:
The poignant cries of an orphaned children moved everybody present at the funeral.

5. OBVIATE (VERB): make unnecessary
Synonyms: counteract, forestall
Antonyms: support, allow
Example Sentence:
The use of computers in offices will obviate the need for further recruitment of the staff in the banks.

6. PERJURY (NOUN): false testimony
Synonyms: deception, dishonesty
Antonyms: honesty, truth.
Example Sentence:
American president was indicted for perjury.

7. OBLITERATE (VERB): wipe out
Synonyms: destroy, annihilate
Antonyms: construct, create
Example Sentence:
The whole village was obliterated by the continued shelling of Pakistani troops.

8. MISCREANT (NOUN): rowdy element
Synonyms: criminal, infamous
Antonyms: good, nice
Example Sentence:
He was kind to the miscreants even though he suffered a lot at their hands.

Synonyms: boring, banal
Antonyms: interesting, active
Example Sentence:
He left for Mumbai because he got tired of jejune life in his home town.

10. AGILE (ADJECTIVE): nimble
Synonyms: cleverness, dexterity
Antonyms: slow, sluggish
Example Sentence:
The police acted with agility and apprehended the robbers.


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