V o c a b u l a r y(27-12-2017)

1. *DESPOIL*   (VERB): destroy

*Synonyms*: desecrate, devour 

*Antonyms*: construct, assemble

*Example Sentence*:

We must despoil our enemy and his objectives.

2. *DETER*  (VERB): inhibit from action

*Synonyms*: dissuade, forestall

*Antonyms*: facilitate, aid

*Example Sentence*:

We must deter from starting a war.

3. *GRIM*   (ADJECTIVE): horrible in manner

*Synonyms*: stern, horrid 

*Antonyms*: pleasant, comforting

*Example Sentence*:

The grim experience of the film, was devastating for their morale.

4. *CALLOUSNESS*  (NOUN): absence of interest

*Synonyms*: nonchalance, aloofness

*Antonyms*: compassion, sympathy

*Example Sentence*:

His callousness shows how careful is he.

5. *ASSAULT*   (VERB): attack

*Synonyms*: assail, charge

*Antonyms*:  retreat, regroup

*Example Sentence*:

Whenever we assault, we destroy our enemy.

6. *SOLITARY*   (ADJECTIVE): alone

*Synonyms*: sole, lone

*Antonyms*: sociable, combined

*Example Sentence*:

We must combat the enemy using our solitary units

7. *SERENE*   (ADJECTIVE): calm

*Synonyms*: laid-back, placid

*Antonyms*:  clamorous, turbulent

*Example Sentence*:

We must work in a serene environment.

8. *ACCUSTOMED*  (ADJECTIVE): be used to

*Synonyms*: acquainted, habituated

*Antonyms*: unaccustomed, unusual

*Example Sentence*:

We must get accustomed people to get the job done.


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