V o c a b u l a r y(29-12-2017)

1. *DILIGENT*  (ADJECTIVE): hardworking

*Synonyms*: assiduous, indefatigable

*Antonyms*: inactive, weary

*Example Sentence*: 

The diligent people always get success.


2. *PROWESS*  (NOUN): bravery

*Synonyms*: grit, dauntlessness 

*Antonyms*: timidity, meekness

*Example Sentence*: 

“Prowess” is the defining trait of a soldier.

3. *CONTRAVENE*  (VERB): go against

*Synonyms*:  defy, negate

*Antonyms*: endorse, ratify

*Example Sentence*: 

We must never contravene our parents.

4. *SPAWNED*  (VERB): produce

*Synonyms*: procreate, hatch

*Antonyms*: destroy, kill

*Example Sentence*: 

 We must protect every seed spawned by the farmers of our nation.

5. *EXALTED*  (ADJECTIVE): esteemed

*Synonyms*:  elevated, high-minded

*Antonyms*:  condemned, debased

*Example Sentence*: 

We must do exalted deeds in our life.

6. *MANDATE* (VERB): allow

*Synonyms*:   advocate, authorize

*Antonyms*: disapprove, invalidate

*Example Sentence*: 

We must mandate strict action against lenient employees.

7. *STRAY* (VERB): deviate

*Synonyms*:  diverge, divagate

*Antonyms*:  stay, reversion

*Example Sentence*: 

We must never stray from our path.

8.  *Dichotomy*  (NOUN): division

*Synonyms*:  disagreement, split

*Antonyms*: unity, consensus

*Example Sentence*: 

We must remove the dichotomy between the warring employees.

9. *PREDOMINANT*  (ADJECTIVE): most important

*Synonyms*:  prevalent, authoritative 

*Antonyms*: trivial, inconsequential

*Example Sentence*:

The British had a predominant belief that they are the most superior in the world.

10. *DENOUNCE*  (VERB): condemn

*Synonyms*: castigate, vilify

*Antonyms*: applaud, laud

*Example Sentence*: 

Nuclear explosions must be denounced by the world powers.


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