V o c a b u l a r y(28-12-2017)

1. *GLARING*   (ADJECTIVE): bright

*Synonyms*:  blazing, gaudy

*Antonyms*: bleak, concealed

*Example Sentence*: 

We can be blinded by the glaring light of the nuclear blast.

2. *MALIGNED*  (ADJECTIVE): harmful in nature or influence

*Synonyms*: malignancy, malignity

*Antonyms*: benignity, benignancy

*Example Sentence*: 

The maligned employees must be dealt effectively.

3. *ROGUE*   (NOUN): A person who deceives

*Synonyms*: con, crook

*Antonyms*: naïve, gullible

*Example Sentence*: 

The rogue Santa was arrested by the police.

4.  *ASCRIPTION*   (NOUN): credit 

*Synonyms*: acknowledgement, recognition

*Antonyms*: disclaimer, dishonor

*Example Sentence*:

The employees who work hard, deserve to be given ascription for their ideas.


*Synonyms*: typical, regular

*Antonyms*: irregular, unique

*Example Sentence*: 

He is a conventional kid and he loves playing.

6. *TOIL* (VERB): work hard

*Synonyms*: strive, moil

*Antonyms*: relax, idle 

*Example Sentence*:

You should toil for attaining success in life without losing enthusiasm.

7. *PERSIST*  (VERB):  carry on

*Synonyms*:  endure, persevere

*Antonyms*: discontinue, halt

*Example Sentence*: 

The soldiers persisted on carrying on the attacks.

8. *WITHER*   (VERB):  decline 

*Synonyms*:  shrink, languish

*Antonyms*: develop, enlarge

*Example Sentence*:

Intellectuals are withering and self-claimed foolish masters are ruling the world.

9. *RHETORIC*  (NOUN):  Long Speech

*Synonyms*:  discourse, oration

*Antonyms*: quietness, conciseness

*Example Sentence*: 

Sir Martin Luther King Jr was a man of inspirational rhetoric.

10. *KIOSK* (NOUN):  booth 

*Synonyms*: stall, rotunda

*Antonyms*: brick and mortar shop 

*Example Sentence*:

She bought the cellphone sim for her mother from a kiosk.


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