V o c a b u l a r y(30-12-2017)
1. *PARTIAL* (ADJECTIVE): incomplete *Synonyms*: limited, imperfect *Antonyms*: complete, entire *Example Sentence*: The partial part of this project will be done tomorrow. 2. *HEROIC* (ADJECTIVE): brave *Synonyms*: daring, courageous *Antonyms*: afraid, fearful *Example Sentence*: He is a heroic person. 3. *OPPOSE* (VERB): fight, obstruct *Synonyms*: argue, assail *Antonyms*: accept, agree *Example Sentence*: He opposed my idea of opening a sweet shop. 4. *INSOLENT* (ADJECTIVE): bold *Synonyms*: abusive, arrogant *Antonyms*: modest, polite *Example Sentence*: She is an insolent lady. 5. *BUFF* (ADJECTIVE): sandy color *Synonyms*: bare, straw *Antonyms*: clothed, covered *Example Sentence*: I saw him in buff way. 6. *CUSTOMARY* (ADJECTIVE): usual, established *Synonyms*: accepted, traditional *Antonyms*...