
V o c a b u l a r y(30-12-2017)

1. *PARTIAL* (ADJECTIVE): incomplete *Synonyms*: limited, imperfect *Antonyms*: complete, entire *Example Sentence*: The partial part of this project will be done tomorrow.           2. *HEROIC* (ADJECTIVE): brave *Synonyms*: daring, courageous *Antonyms*: afraid, fearful *Example Sentence*: He is a heroic person. 3. *OPPOSE* (VERB): fight, obstruct *Synonyms*: argue, assail *Antonyms*: accept, agree *Example Sentence*:  He opposed my idea of opening a sweet shop. 4. *INSOLENT* (ADJECTIVE): bold *Synonyms*: abusive, arrogant *Antonyms*: modest, polite *Example Sentence*: She is an insolent lady. 5. *BUFF*  (ADJECTIVE): sandy color *Synonyms*: bare, straw *Antonyms*: clothed, covered *Example Sentence*:   I saw him in buff way. 6. *CUSTOMARY* (ADJECTIVE): usual, established *Synonyms*: accepted, traditional *Antonyms*...

V o c a b u l a r y(29-12-2017)

1. *DILIGENT*  (ADJECTIVE): hardworking *Synonyms*: assiduous, indefatigable *Antonyms*: inactive, weary *Example Sentence*:  The diligent people always get success.              2. *PROWESS*  (NOUN): bravery *Synonyms*: grit, dauntlessness  *Antonyms*: timidity, meekness *Example Sentence*:  “Prowess” is the defining trait of a soldier. 3. *CONTRAVENE*  (VERB): go against *Synonyms*:  defy, negate *Antonyms*: endorse, ratify *Example Sentence*:  We must never contravene our parents. 4. *SPAWNED*  (VERB): produce *Synonyms*: procreate, hatch *Antonyms*: destroy, kill *Example Sentence*:   We must protect every seed spawned by the farmers of our nation. 5. *EXALTED*  (ADJECTIVE): esteemed *Synonyms*:  elevated, high-minded *Antonyms*:  condemned, debas...

V o c a b u l a r y(28-12-2017)

1. *GLARING*   (ADJECTIVE): bright *Synonyms*:  blazing, gaudy *Antonyms*: bleak, concealed *Example Sentence*:  We can be blinded by the glaring light of the nuclear blast. 2. *MALIGNED*  (ADJECTIVE): harmful in nature or influence *Synonyms*: malignancy, malignity *Antonyms*: benignity, benignancy *Example Sentence*:  The maligned employees must be dealt effectively. 3. *ROGUE*   (NOUN): A person who deceives *Synonyms*: con, crook *Antonyms*: naïve, gullible *Example Sentence*:  The rogue Santa was arrested by the police. 4.  *ASCRIPTION*   (NOUN): credit  *Synonyms*: acknowledgement, recognition *Antonyms*: disclaimer, dishonor *Example Sentence*: The employees who work hard, deserve to be given ascription for their ideas. 5. *CONVENTIONAL* (ADJECTIVE): common *Synonyms*: typical, regular *Antonyms*: irregular, un...

V o c a b u l a r y(27-12-2017)

1. *DESPOIL*   (VERB): destroy *Synonyms*: desecrate, devour  *Antonyms*: construct, assemble *Example Sentence*: We must despoil our enemy and his objectives.           2. *DETER*  (VERB): inhibit from action *Synonyms*: dissuade, forestall *Antonyms*: facilitate, aid *Example Sentence*: We must deter from starting a war. 3. *GRIM*   (ADJECTIVE): horrible in manner *Synonyms*: stern, horrid  *Antonyms*: pleasant, comforting *Example Sentence*: The grim experience of the film, was devastating for their morale. 4. *CALLOUSNESS*  (NOUN): absence of interest *Synonyms*: nonchalance, aloofness *Antonyms*: compassion, sympathy *Example Sentence*: His callousness shows how careful is he. 5. *ASSAULT*   (VERB): attack *Synonyms*: assail, charge *Antonyms*:  retreat, regroup *Example ...

V o c a b u l a r y(26th Dec,2017)

1. *DIRE* (ADJECTIVE): horrible *Synonyms*: daunting, dreadful    *Antonyms*: friendly, harmless *Example sentence*: I saw a dire sight of accident. 2. *UPTIGHT* (ADJECTIVE): nervous *Synonyms*: anxious, uneasy  *Antonyms*: composed, easy-going *Example sentence*: Seeing the PM before his very eyes he became uptight. 3. *UNWIELDY* (ADJECTIVE): clumsy *Synonyms*: burdensome, unwieldy  *Antonyms*: convenient, helpful *Example sentence*: This is an unwieldy task. 4. *EXPOUND* (VERB): clarify  *Synonyms*: delineate, decipher  *Antonyms*: misunderstand, confuse *Example Sentence* He was expounded the new task allotted to him. 5. *KOSHER* (ADJECTIVE): genuine *Synonyms*: actual, authentic          *Antonyms*: deceiving, deceptive *Example sentence*: All the kosher documents are required. 6. *CHARY* (ADJECTIVE)...

V o c a b u l a r y (6th August, 2017)

1. *TREMOR* (NOUN): Shiver *Synonyms*: vibration, shaking                *Antonyms*: stillness, calmness *Example Sentence*: The train caused tremor at the platform. 2. *TRIFLING* (ADJECTIVE): Insignificant *Synonyms*: dinky, worthless               *Antonyms*: important, worthwhile *Example Sentence*: Avika always engages herself in trifling tasks. 3. *DILAPIDATION* (NOUN): Ruin *Synonyms*: decrepitude, destruction       *Antonyms*: development, escalation *Example Sentence*: Yet all this was apart from any extraordinary dilapidation. 4. *ESPOUSE* (VERB): support *Synonyms*: adopt, advocate              *Antonyms*: reject, refuse *Example Sentence*: The...

V o c a b u l a r y (2nd August, 2017)

1. *EFFUSIVE* (ADJECTIVE): Gushing, profuse *Synonyms*: lavish, exuberant     *Antonyms*: economical, unexcited *Example Sentence*: The president was effusive in his grief for the fallen soldiers. 2. *GAG* (NOUN): Practical joke *Synonyms*: hoax, quip       *Antonyms*: seriousness, tragedy *Example Sentence*: Don’t gag on such matters. 3. *TRANSMOGRIFY* (VERB): Convert *Synonyms*: alter, mutate      *Antonyms*: preserve, stagnate *Example Sentence*: In the play, the actor suddenlytransmogrified into a monster. 4. *OPINE* (VERB): Think *Synonyms*: suppose, consider          *Antonyms*: calculate, measure *Example Sentence*: She opines a lot even on trivial matters. 5. *SPECIOUS* (ADJECTIVE): Misleading *Synonyms*: deceptive, false  ...