50 Vocabulary Words

1. DAINTY (ADJECTIVE): delicately small and pretty Synonyms: petite, cute Antonyms: ugly, repulsive Example Sentence: The puppy’s dainty nose looked very cute, convincing Jemma’s mother to buy her that pup. 2. ABLUTION (NOUN): the act of washing Synonyms: cleansing, decontamination Antonyms: contamination, pollution Example Sentence: Jordan performed the ablution of the wound by rubbing Dettol and sterile water to avoid further infection 3. AMBLE (VERB): to walk casually Synonyms: stroll, wander Antonym: rush, dash Example Sentence: Evan was so disinterested in the health class that he rather ambled through the halls than attend the session 4. COVET (VERB): to greatly desire something you lack Sy...