Vocabulary Words

1. DESPOTISM (NOUN): absolute power
Synonyms: autocracy, dictatorship
Antonyms: democracy, equalitarianism
Example Sentence: 
After their generations living under despotism, citizens were happy to see a kind emperor to assume power in the country
2. HOODWINK (VERB): to deceive someone
Synonyms: mislead, swindle 
Antonyms: support, safeguard
Example Sentence: 
Insurance deals often hoodwink customers into coming to them by making promises of incredibly low premiums.
3. FRACAS (NOUN): a noisy disagreement 
Synonyms: commotion, disturbance 
Antonyms: agreement, harmony
Example Sentence: 
The students were suspended from the class when they started a fracas.
4. FIAT (NOUN): order
Synonyms: command, dictum 
Antonyms: opposition, denial
Example Sentence: 
The MD’s latest fiat prohibits the wearing of jeans in office.
5. ENNUI (NOUN): boredom 

Synonyms: tedium, languor 
Antonyms: excitement, liveliness

Example Sentence:

Eaten up by ennui at his workplace, John decided to go on a vacation.
6. EFFIGY (NOUN): dummy
Synonyms: statue, figure 
Antonyms: entity, being
Example Sentence: 
To express their rebellion, the workers set fire to an effigy of the company’s flag
7. DEMURE (VERB): reserved
Synonyms: timid, reticent 
Antonyms: bold, brave
Example Sentence: 
At the gym last night, Iva remained demure and stuck to a corner by herself.
8. DEFILE (VERB): to make impure or dirty
Synonyms: contaminate, degrade 
Antonyms: cleanse, upgrade
Example Sentence: 
Smoking tobacco defiles one’s body still young people continue to take up the smoking habit.
9. NEFARIOUS (ADJECTIVE): very evil and wicked
Synonyms: sinful, vicious 
Antonyms: kind, pleasing
Example sentence: 
To call that new employee names, was not only mean, but nefarious
10. PLEBEIAN (NOUN): not worthy of the upper classes.
Synonyms: mediocre, ordinary 
Antonyms: extraordinary, aristocratic
Example Sentence:
The rich man called the restaurant a plebeian place because it did not offer good service.

11. IGNORAMUS (NOUN): simpleton
Synonyms: imbecile, dimwit 
Antonyms: intellect, prodigy
Example Sentence: 
Our new boss turned out to be an ignoramus who knew nothing about the business.
12. BASTION (NOUN): fortified place
Synonyms: citadel, mainstay  
Antonyms: vulnerable, weakness
Example Sentence: 
For many immigrants, our country is seen as a bastion of freedom where they can live without fear of being wrongly persecuted.
Synonyms: conversational, vernacular 
Antonym: stilted, standard
Example Sentence: 
Since John came from a different state, he had a difficult time understanding the colloquial language of this place
14. CEDE (VERB): surrender
Synonyms: capitulate, hand over
Antonyms: hold, maintain
Example Sentence: 
The captain of our football team was forced to cede control of the team after he failed a drug test.
15. GLUTTONY (NOUN): desire for food
Synonyms: hunger, craving 
Antonyms: dislike, disinclination
Example Sentence: 
The depressed teen’s gluttony has made her extremely obese.
16. REALM(NOUN): area of responsibility or rule
Synonyms: domain, territory 
Antonyms: submission, compliance
Example Sentence: 
Technological innovations are deepening our interest in the realm of computer science.
17. PIQUANT (ADJECTIVE): flavorful
Synonyms: lively, interesting 
Antonyms: bland, flavorless
Example Sentence: 
Jemma’s piquant personality made her a pleasant companion for all.
18. SENILITY (NOUN): confused or memory loss as a result of old age
Synonyms: decrepitude, dotage 
Antonyms: youth, adolescence
Example Sentence: 
Keep your encephalon busy so you stay sharp and reduce the chances of becoming senile.
19. TRAVESTY (NOUN): ridicule
Synonyms: satire, mockery 
Antonyms: seriousness, solemnity
Example sentence: 
A pathetic travesty of justice is presented when a policeman harasses a citizen.
20. SUCCOUR (NOUN): assistance.
Synonyms: help, aid 
Antonyms: hindrance, obstruction.
Example Sentence:
Even though Jenny is reserved, she is never hesitant to offer succor to anyone who needs it.
21. ADDUCE (VERB): affirm
Synonyms: illustrate, prove 
Antonyms: obscure, hide
Example Sentence:
Since the research fellow couldn’t adduce his experiment, authorities didn’t believe his hypothesis.
22. TOUT (VERB): show off
Synonyms: laud, publicize 
Antonyms: conceal condemn
Example Sentence:
All dietitians tout the benefits of eating fruits and exercising regularly.
23. GELID (ADJECTIVE): freezing
Synonyms: chilling, arctic 
Antonym: warm, tepid
Example Sentence: 
The auditorium was Gelid and dark while it was a summer morning outside.
24. GAOL (VERB): jail
Synonyms: bound, enchain 
Antonyms: free, emancipate
Example Sentence: 
The desolate building where prisoners were gaoled, now contains a huge public library in it.
25. MASCOT (NOUN): lucky charm
Synonyms: amulet, charm 
Antonyms: repulsion, unlucky 
Example Sentence: 
He, by all accounts is the best mascot our company has ever had.
26. LAIR(NOUN): cave
Synonyms: habitat, hideaway 
Antonyms: unveil, display
Example Sentence: 
The beast slumbered peacefully in its lair when suddenly the gunshot echoed through the jungle.
27. MOOT (ADJECTIVE): doubtful
Synonyms: controversial, dubious 
Antonyms: certain, definite
Example Sentence: 
John’s case accusations over the company were considered moot and quickly dismissed by the judge.
Synonyms: disordered, disheveled 
Antonyms: organized, clean
Example Sentence: 
Once his slovenly dress was washed, the kid looked quite adorable.
29. TERSE (ADJECTIVE): brief, short
Synonyms: precise, curt 
Antonyms: lengthy, verbose
Example sentence: 
Because the principal had very little information on the fracas, he issued only a terse statement.
30. VAGARY (NOUN): sudden change in idea or mood
Synonyms: caprice, impulse 
Antonyms: certainty, anticipated
Example Sentence: 
Today’s stock’s vagary cost the investors their fortunes.


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N E W S A t @ G l a n c e(15th May,2017)

50 Vocabulary Words