Vocabulary Words - 05.05.2016
1. FEUD (NOUN): quarrel.
Synonyms: contention, strife
Antonyms: harmony, reconciliation
Example Sentence:
A feud broke out between the students and the college management that lead to a strike.
Synonyms: honorable, virtuous
Antonyms: defiled, sullied
Example Sentence:
The priest took an oath to avoid temptations and remain chaste all his life.
3. ALLEVIATE (VERB): lessen
Synonyms: abate, mitigate
Antonyms: augment, enhance
Example Sentence:
Scared of heights all her life, nothing could alleviate her fear of flying.
4. ARRAIGN (VERB): accuse
Synonyms: charge, complain
Antonyms: exculpate, condone
Example Sentence:
Some of the senior students were arraigned for ragging and fined.
Synonyms: obese, ugly
Antonyms: lean, delicate
Example Sentence:
The physician suggested that the corpulent lady begins an exercise regime.
6. ENCUMBRANCE (NOUN): obstacle
Synonyms: hindrance, impediment
Antonyms: stimulant, patronize
Example Sentence:
His insecurities have always been an encumbrance to his work efficiency.
7. FLIMSY (ADJECTIVE): unsubstantial
Synonyms: trifling, brittle
Antonyms: firm, durable
Example Sentence:
The hurricane ripped the flimsy door off of its hinges
8. QUAINT (ADJECTIVE): strange
Synonyms: ridiculous, queer
Antonyms: familiar, normal
Example Sentence:
As soon as we entered the quaint museum, we noticed it was filled with charming antiques
9. KNAVE (NOUN): dishonest person
Synonyms: rogue, scoundrel
Antonym: benefactor, paragon
Example Sentence:
After the knave stole the crown, he was caught and imprisoned.
10. MOLLIFY (VERB): relieve
Synonyms: appease, assuage
Antonyms: exasperate, aggravate
Example Sentence:
I hope that hot coffee will mollify your tension and help you relax.
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