50 Vocabulary Words

1. DAINTY (ADJECTIVE): delicately small and pretty
Synonyms: petite, cute 
Antonyms: ugly, repulsive
Example Sentence:
The puppy’s dainty nose looked very cute, convincing Jemma’s mother to buy her that pup.
2. ABLUTION (NOUN): the act of washing
Synonyms: cleansing, decontamination 
Antonyms: contamination, pollution
Example Sentence:
Jordan performed the ablution of the wound by rubbing Dettol and sterile water to avoid further infection
3. AMBLE (VERB): to walk casually
Synonyms: stroll, wander 
Antonym: rush, dash
Example Sentence: 
Evan was so disinterested in the health class that he rather ambled through the halls than attend the session
4. COVET (VERB): to greatly desire something you lack
Synonyms: crave, fancy to 
Antonyms: abjure, hate
Example Sentence: 
John tends to covet quality time with his family as he has to spend more hours working at his office than he likes
5. RECONNOITER (VERB): to survey a place or situation for planning purposes
Synonyms: inspect, examine 
Antonyms: ignore, overlook
Example Sentence: 
One should never belittle his enemy and constantly reconnoiter his enemy’s movements
6. RANKLE(VERB): to cause bitterness or irritation
Synonyms: annoy, embitter 
Antonym: comfort, pacify
Example Sentence: 
The plan to build a shopping mall in place of the community center rankled all the social activists in the town.
7. AKIN(ADJECTIVE): similar in nature
Synonyms: analogous, comparable 
Antonyms: dissimilar, unlike
Example Sentence: 
As Johan is a passionate artist, the cacophony of sculpting tools is akin charming music to his ears
8. ARCHAIC(ADJECTIVE): old and no longer useful
Synonyms: primitive, old-fashioned 
Antonyms: modern, up-to-date
Example Sentence:
In comparison to portable laptop and palmtops, typewriters and calculators are archaic.
9. CONCORD (NOUN): a state of accord or agreement
Synonyms: unanimity, harmony 
Antonyms: disagreement, agitation
Example sentence: 
The war between India and Pakistan will end only when the two countries reach a concord on the Kashmir dispute.
10. BRUSQUE(ADJECTIVE): blunt in manner or harsh speech 
Synonyms: gruff, discourteous 
Antonyms: polite, kind
Example Sentence:
William’s brusque attitude had burnt many social bridges with his friends and acquaintances, leaving him in solitude,

11. FORERUNNER (NOUN): predecessor

Synonyms: pioneer, ancestor 
Antonyms: descendant, successor
Example Sentence:
The organization started by Norquist is a forerunner to the Tea Party. 
12. FEEBLE (NOUN): weak 
Synonyms: frail, puny 
Antonyms: robust, vigorous 
Example Sentence:
We pollute, but our feeble efforts at clean up have been largely unsuccessful. 
13. GAMUT (NOUN): entire range 
Synonyms: panorama, spectrum 
Antonyms: curbed, restrained
Example Sentence:
From digi pages to digi notes and live PSS to video discussions, Mahendra’s runs the gamut when it comes to content.
14. LANGUISH (VERB): suffer and become weak
Synonyms: dwindle, deteriorate 
Antonyms: proliferate, swarm
Example Sentence:
When the judge sentences the murderer, I hope he gives him a lifetime to languish in prison.
15. MORTIFY (VERB): ashamed 
Synonyms: chasten, chagrin 
Antonyms: laurels, ovation
Example Sentence:
Christopher Meloni is perfectly casted as a father who lives to mortify his teenage kids.
16. PARITY (NOUN): balance
Synonyms: conformity, paraphernalia
Antonyms: discrepancy, disparity
Example Sentence:
Our Framers intended for there to be equality and parity among the three branches of government. 
17. ERADICATE (VERB): remove
Synonyms: annihilate, exterminate 
Antonyms: establish, decree
Example Sentence: 
Polio has been eradicated from our country. 
18. CASPSIZE (VERB): to sink
Synonyms: tumble, obliterate 
Antonyms: ameliorate, promote
Example Sentence:
When a boat is top heavy or its center of gravity is too high, the boat is liable to capsize.
Synonyms: meticulous, conscionable 
Antonyms: crooked, deceitful
Example Sentence:
Tear out your guts and put them on the page, with scrupulous thoughts.
20. INDIFFERENT (ADJECTIVE): uninterested
Synonyms: impervious, nonchalant 
Antonyms: engrossed, obsessed
Example Sentence:
Money is what greases the wheels—good, bad, or indifferent. 

Synonyms: astringent, sardonic
Antonyms: courteous, gracious
Example Sentence:
By the time Bidden began the final round, the audience was vitriolic, already turned against him.
22. PILFERAGE (NOUN): theft 
Synonyms: burglary, misappropriation 
Antonyms: veto, disapprove
Example Sentence:
The damage and losses by pilferage of certain descriptions of goods are enormous.
23. MYRIAD (ADJECTIVE): infinite 
Synonyms: multitudinous, 
Antonyms: finite, limited
Example Sentence:
There the stars seem to have shrunk away from you, a myriad of miles.
Synonyms: barbarian, rampant 
Antonyms: docile, submissive
Example Sentence:
All you really need for an inspiring commencement address is untamed enthusiasm and a big dream.
25. SUCCUMB (VERB): surrender
Synonyms: buckle, capitulate 
Antonyms: ascend, conquer
Example Sentence:
In the 21st century, however, we suppress the magic of it and succumb to the fear of it.
26. FORAGE (VERB): explore
Synonyms: rummage, ransack 
Antonyms: receive, protect
Example Sentence:
They go to the grocery store dumpster to forage for food, find potatoes, butter, and celery.
27. PREROGATIVE (NOUN): privilege
Synonyms: appendage, perquisite 
Antonyms: obligation, duty
Example Sentence: 
If President Obama decides he needs a new diplomatic team that is his prerogative. 
28. CONNIVE (VERB): plot
Synonyms: collude, conspire 
Antonyms: ravish, quash
Example Sentence:
Large sums of money were ready to bribe the turnkey to connive at an escape. 
Synonyms: conducive, subsidiary 
Antonyms: futile, feckless
Example Sentence:
Its soldiers were instrumental in the round ups and the subsequent massacres.
30. UPBEAT (ADJECTIVE): cheerful
Synonyms: sanguine, buoyant 
Antonyms: pessimistic, gloomy
Example Sentence:
To be sure, this is an upbeat story from an American point of view.
31. PLIGHT (NOUN): dilemma
Synonyms: quandary, impasse 
Antonyms: boon, blessing
Example Sentence: 
The international community should do more to protect the plight of these people. 
32. RATIFY (VERB): corroborate
Synonyms: validate, approve
Antonyms: veto, disapprove
Example Sentence: 
A number of countries have refused to ratify the treaty.
33. EXORBITANT (ADJECTIVE): extravagant 
Synonyms: outrageous, extreme 
Antonyms: inexpensive, moderate
Example Sentence: 
The President is right in pointing how the exorbitant cost of child care can be devastating for families. 
34. RUPTURE (VERB): break
Synonyms: breach, split 
Antonyms: join, connect
Example Sentence: 
The emperor Leo, ruptured the fortress of his enemy.
35. PLETHORA (NOUN): excess
Synonyms: profusion, overabundance 
Antonyms: scarcity, rarity
Example Sentence:
There are plethora of groups that track and publish this kind of information.
Synonyms: pervasive, omnipresent 
Antonyms: scarce, rare
Example Sentence:
If the ubiquitous red tape is annoying, other local customs are downright strange. 
37. PERTURBED (VERB): troubled
Synonyms: restless, flustered 
Antonyms: construct, create
Example Sentence: 
Even during this perturbed time he prosecuted his studies and teaching.
38. SUBVERSION (NOUN): undermining
Synonyms: sabotage, disruption 
Antonyms: integration, consolidation
Example Sentence: 
They view individual liberty as a threat, new political ideas as subversion, and political opposition as treason.
39. FLOUT (VERB): show contempt for something
Synonyms: defy, spurn 
Antonyms: commend, compliment
Example Sentence: 
It was a big story—indicating that Israel was continuing to flout international law to prevent Hezbollah from getting weapons. 
40. SHODDY (ADJECTIVE): in bad shape
Synonyms: inferior, tawdry 
Antonyms: noble, sophisticated
Example Sentence:
The levees failed because of shoddy maintenance by a federal agency.

41. ASCURRILITY (NOUN): a false accusation or the quality of being evil
Synonyms: indecency, atrocity 
Antonyms: virtue, pleasantry
Example Sentence:
The newspapers reviled their enemies with the utmost bitterness, and often with ferocious scurrility.
42. CENSORIOUS (ADJECTIVE): very critical
Synonyms: accusatory, condemning 
Antonyms: praising, encouraging
Example Sentence:
There's no reason to be prissy or censorious on the subject of politicians.
43. CONVIVIALITY (NOUN): a boisterous party
Synonyms: festivity, merriment 
Antonym: recluse, boredom
Example Sentence: 
He was often busy with his convivialities and paid no heed to his parents’ advice.
44. JOCUND (ADKECTIVE): cheerful
Synonyms: jolly, lighthearted 
Antonyms: sad, sulky
Example Sentence:
It was a jocund function and we enjoyed ourselves.
45. BAROQUE (ADJECTIVE): decorative, especially architecture 
Synonyms: florid, ornate 
Antonyms: plain, undecorated
Example Sentence: 
The baroque richness of the Taj Mahal can’t be expressed in words.
46. AGGRANDIZE (VERB): cause something to seem or get grander 
Synonyms: intensify, expand 
Antonyms: censure, condense
Example Sentence: 
The new scheme will aggrandize the same old methods.
47. ASININE (ADJECTIVE): senseless
Synonyms: absurd, inane 
Antonyms: clear, sensible
Example Sentence: 
He ignored his friend’s asinine remark.
48. BESMIRCH (VERB): damage (someone’s reputation)
Synonyms: dishonour, slander 
Antonyms: honour, respect
Example Sentence: 
She had managed to besmirch his reputation with her crocodile tears.
49. BLARNEY (NOUN): flattery
Synonyms: cajolery, overpraise 
Antonyms: criticize, insult
Example sentence: 
It took a lot of blarney to get us out of trouble.
50. CALLOW (ADJECTIVE): immature
Synonyms: inexperienced, naive 
Antonyms: experienced, sophisticated
Example Sentence: 
The callow officers think they can do whatever they want despite their stupidity. 


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N E W S A t @ G l a n c e(15th May,2017)

50 Vocabulary Words