01)A person who is above hundred years : Centenarian.

02)A book published after the death of its author : Posthumas.

03)A book written by an unknown author : Anonymous.

04)A cinema show which is held in the afternoon : Matinee.

05)A citizen of the world : Cosmopolite.

06)A contagious disease which spreads over a huge area : Epidemic.

07)A drug or other substance that induces sleep : Soporific

08)A flesh eating animal : Carnivorous

09)A game in which neither party wins : Draw

10)A game in which no one wins : Draw

11)A Government by a king or queen : Monarchy

12)A Government by one : Autocracy

13)A Government by the few : Oligarchy

14)A Government by the Nobles : Aristocracy

15)A Government by the officials : Bureaucracy

16)A Government by the people : Democracy

17)A Government by the rich : Plutocracy

18)A grass eating animal : Herbivorous

19)A handwriting that cannot be read : Illegibel

20)A land animal that breeds in water : Amphibian

21)A letter, poem etc. whose author is unknown : Anonymous

22)A life history written by oneself : Autobiography

23)A life history written by somebody else : Biography

24)A list of books : Catalogue

25)A loss or damage that cannot be compensated : Irreparable

26)A man devoid of kind feeling and sympathy : Callous

27)A man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion : Fanatic

28)A man who is easily irritated : Irritable

29)A medicine that kills germs : Germicide

30)A medicine that prevents decomposing : Antiseptic

31)A medicine to counteract the effect of another medicine : Antidote

32)A member of the middle class : Bourgeois

33)A method that cannot be imitated : Inimitable

34)A pardonable offense : Venial

35)A person appointed by parties to settle the disputes between them : Arbitrator

36)A person difficult to please : Fastidious

37)A person liable to be called to account for his action : Answerable

38)A person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return : Parasite

39)A person who always thinks of himself : Egotist

40)A person who cannot read or write : Illiterate

41)A person who does not believe in the institution of marriage : Misogamist

42)A person who hates women : Misogynist

43)A person who imports or exports goods into or from a country secretly because
they are illegal : Smuggler

44)A person who knows everything : Omniscient

45)A person who loves every body : Altruist

46)A person who readily believes whatever is told to him/her. : Credulous

47)A person who remains unmoved and unaffected by other people's opinions,
suggestions : Impervious

48)A person who speaks two languages : Bilingual

49)A person with an evil reputation : Notorious

50)A person's peculiar habit : Idiosyncrasy

51)A place where orphans live : Orphanage

52)A place where weapons and ammunitions are stored : Arsenal

53)A position for which no salary is paid : Honorary

53)A post held without receiving salary : Honorary

53)A sentence whose meaning is unclear : Ambiguous

53)A short message added on to the end of a letter after the signature :

58)A shortened form of a word or phrase : Abbreviation

59)A sound that cannot be heard : Inaudible

60)A speech delivered without any previous preparation : Extempore

61)A state of perfect balance : Equilibrium

62)A statement which cannot be understood : Incomprehensible

63)A study of ancient things : Archaeology

64)A study of animals : Zoology

65)A study of birds : Ornithology

66)A study of derivation of words : Etymology

67)A study of man : Anthropology

68)A study of races : Ethnology

69)A study of the body : Physiology

70)A supposed cure for all diseases or problems : Panacea

71)A thing no longer in use : Obsolete

72)A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes : Invisible

73)A thing that is fit to be eaten : Edible

74)A word opposite in meaning to another : Antonym

75)Absence of government : Anarchy


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