
✳️Acrophobia=  Fear of height.

✳️Agoraphobia= fear of open places.

✳️Algophobia/Dynophobia= fear of pain.

✳️Accousticophobia= Fear of noise.

✳️Androphobia= Fear of men.

✳️Gynaecophobia= Fear of women.

✳️Anthrophobia= Fear of flowers.

✳️Anglophobia= fear of English and English related things.

✳️Xenophobia= Fear of anything stranger or foreign.

✳️Arachnophobia= Fear of spiders.

✳️Cacophobia= Fear of ugliness(कुरूपता से डर)

✳️Carcinophobia= Fear of cancer.

✳️Chromophobia= Fear of colour.

✳️Claustrophobia= Fear of closed place.

✳️Demophobia= Fear of people.

✳️Enchlophobia= Fear of crowd.

✳️Gametophobia= Fear of marriage.

✳️Haematophobia= Fear of blood.

✳️Helminthophobia= Fear of insects.

✳️Hippophobia= Fear of horses.

✳️Hydrophobia= Fear of water.

✳️Kinesophobia= Fear of speed.

✳️Logophobia= Fear of studies.

✳️Metrophobia= Fear of motherhood(मातृत्व का डर)

✳️Monophobia= Fear of loneliness.

✳️Neophobia= Fear of changes.

✳️Noctiphobia= Fear of night.

✳️Ophidiophobia= Fear of snakes.

✳️Pathophobia= Fear of diseases.

✳️Pedophobia= Fear of child.

✳️Peniophobia= Fear of poverty or penury.

✳️Sitophobia= Fear of food.

✳️Toxicophobia= Fear of poison.

✳️Zoophobia= Fear of animals


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