V o c a b u l a r y(10th May,2017)

1. *TENABLE* (ADJECTIVE): arguable

*Synonyms*: defensible, justifiable 

*Antonyms*: unjustifiable, unreasonable

*Example Sentence*: 

This argument is simply not tenable. 

2. *TRANSPIRE* (VERB): occur

*Synonyms*: arise, ensue 

*Antonyms*: cause, stop

*Example Sentence*:

The phenomenon of a planet coming across the Earth transpired at mid-night.

3. *UNTOWARD* (ADJECTIVE): troublesome

*Synonyms*: perverse, disturbing 

*Antonyms*: happy, suitable 

*Example Sentence*:

The behaviour of some actors is untoward.

4. *THRIVE* (VERB): flourish

*Synonyms*: bloom, boom 

*Antonyms*: cease, decrease

*Example Sentence*: 

A weak, pale, tiny plant thrives in a broad sunlight.

5. *UNFLAGGING* (ADJECTIVE): persistent

*Synonyms*: tireless, unceasing 

*Antonyms*: wavering, weary

*Example Sentence*: 

I was impressed with her unflagging efforts to save life.

6. *TEMPORIZE* (VERB): procrastinate

*Synonyms*: delay, stall 

*Antonyms*: advance, go ahead

*Example Sentence*:

In hopes of moving their test to next week, the students will temporize at the beginning of class. 

7. *TORRID* (ADJECTIVE): blazing 

*Synonyms*: very hot, parched 

*Antonyms*: damp, wet

*Example Sentence*: 

It was a torrid weather out there.


*Synonyms*: courageous, fearless 

*Antonyms*: fearful, timid

*Example Sentence*:

She gave an unflinching nod to the skydiving.

9. *TUMULT* (NOUN): uproar

*Synonyms*: agitation, commotion 

*Antonyms*: calmness, agreement

*Example Sentence*: 

While the political candidate’s popularity rating continues to fall, his office has declined into a state of tumult.

10. *TEMERITY* (NOUN): boldness

*Synonyms*: effrontery, audacity 

*Antonyms*: cowardice, humility

*Example Sentence*: 

I see temerity in his journalism.


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