V o c a b u l a r y(20th May,2017)


*Synonyms*: easy going, aloof           

*Antonyms*: concerned, caring

*Example Sentence*: 

Now a days mostly nonchalant politicians are seen everywhere.

2. *AMENITY* (NOUN): convenience

*Synonyms*: comfort, facility        

*Antonyms*: discomfort, inconvenience

*Example Sentence*:

He presses the bell for wi-fi amenity.

3. *SNAZZY* (ADJECTIVE): stylish

*Synonyms*: chic, attractive                

*Antonyms*: inelegant, unstylish

*Example Sentence*:

You really have a snazzy dress.

4. *CRINGE* (VERB): cower

*Synonyms*: crouch, tremble               

*Antonyms*: come forward, face

*Example Sentence*: 

That movie, made me cringe before my family.

5. *CONCEDE* (VERB): acknowledge

*Synonyms*: accept, admit      

*Antonyms*: deny, refuse

*Example Sentence*: 

I had to concede that I overreacted that day.

6. *CREEPY*  (ADJECTIVE):  nasty

*Synonyms*: disgusting, eerie      

*Antonyms*: pleasant, nice

*Example Sentence*:

Why is this actor so creepy?


*Synonyms*: united, unanimous             

*Antonyms*: divided, split

*Example Sentence*: 

There was a consensual agreement to stop the cold war between them.

8. *UNDERWRITE* (VERB): endorse

*Synonyms*: finance, sponsor        

*Antonyms*: refuse, reject

*Example Sentence*:

P&G underwrite the education of poorly children.

9. *SCEPTICISM* (NOUN): doubt

*Synonyms*: disbelief, suspicion        

*Antonyms*: belief, trust

*Example Sentence*: 

You should try to remove your scepticism from theism.

10. *SUCCOUR* (NOUN): assistance

*Synonyms*: sustenance, help    

*Antonyms*: obstruction, hindrance

*Example Sentence*: 

I need your succor this time.


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