V o c a b u l a r y(17th may,2017)

1.  *RECONCILE*  (VERB): make peace; adjust

*Synonyms*: harmonize, pacify           

*Antonyms*: agitate, fight

*Example Sentence*: 

The two friends reconciled after their fight.

2. *MERCURIAL* (ADJECTIVE): remove an inferior or unwanted component of a group or collection

*Synonyms*: divide, segregate        

*Antonyms*: collect, gather

*Example Sentence*:

We must weed out the process of greasing the palms of our superiors.

3. *SAVVY* (VERB): know

*Synonyms*: understand, grasp                

*Antonyms*: misunderstand, ignore

*Example Sentence*:

Sooner or later you are going to savvy her actual nature.

4. *BELEAGUERED* (VERB): besieged

*Synonyms*: harass, hemmed in               

*Antonyms*: help, assist

*Example Sentence*: 

Indian Army came to relieve the beleaguered garrison.

5. *BALK* (VERB): eschew

*Synonyms*: resist, unwilling to      

*Antonyms*: accept, welcome

*Example Sentence*: 

Some over protective parents balked at letting their children use a cellphone.


*Synonyms*: predictive, apocalyptic     

*Antonyms*: auspicious, propitious

*Example Sentence*:

The portentous clouds loomed overhead and threatened to ruin my outdoor wedding.

7. *AVERSION* (ADJECTIVE): revulsion

*Synonyms*: allergy, repugnance             

*Antonyms*:fondness, like

*Example Sentence*: 

My mother has an aversion to heights.

8. *MEASLY* (ADJECTIVE): meagre

*Synonyms*: miserable, paltry        

*Antonyms*: proficient, plenty

*Example Sentence*:

This diet burns only a measly 82 calories.

9. *SORDID* (ADJECTIVE): despicable

*Synonyms*: unsavoury, contemptible       

*Antonyms*: reputable, respectable

*Example Sentence*: 

Mentally stable persons don’t take interest in sordid little affairs.

10. *SAP* (VERB): gradually weaken or destroy (a person's strength or power).

*Synonyms*: attenuate, enfeeble    

*Antonyms*: strengthen, invigorate

*Example Sentence*: 

The energy of unbiased journalists is being sapped by bureaucrats and politicians.


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