Vocabulary-3rd May,2017

1. *GRASP* (NOUN): understanding

*Synonyms*: knowledge, awareness 

*Antonyms*:misunderstanding, misconception

*Example sentence*: 

He has a great grasp of Mathematics.

2. *GRIMACE* (NOUN): expression of pain

*Synonyms*: frown, scowl 

*Antonyms*: grin, smirk

*Example sentence*: 

I saw grimace on a little girl’s face.

3. *GRATIS* (ADVERB): free

*Synonyms*: chargeless, complimentary 

*Antonyms*: costly, expensive

*Example sentence*: 

Coriander is always a gratis given with veggies by a vendor. 


*Synonyms*: arduous, exhausting 

*Antonyms*: easy, effortless 

*Example sentence*: 

The flight was more gruelling than I had expected.


*Synonyms*: drab, tedious 

*Antonyms*: exciting, interesting

*Example sentence*: 

This is a humdrum movie.

6. *HUSKY* (ADJECTIVE): hoarse

*Synonyms*: rough, harsh 

*Antonyms*: soft, smooth

*Example sentence*: 

His voice was husky with grief. 

7. *HAGGLE* (VERB): bargain about prices

*Synonyms*: quibble, wrangle 

*Antonyms*: agree, concur

*Example sentence*: 

I hate haggling in the market.

8. *HAPLESS* (ADJECTIVE): unfortunate

*Synonyms*: unlucky, woeful 

*Antonyms*: fortunate, lucky

*Example sentence*: 

He is a hapless boy.

9. *HAMPER* (VERB): impede

*Synonyms*: hinder, hobble 

*Antonyms*: facilitate, support

*Example sentence*: 

Overpopulation hampers growth of any country.

10. *HEGEMONY* (NOUN): predominance

*Synonyms*: authority, leadership 

*Antonyms*: slavery, subjugation

*Example sentence*: 

America is trying for hegemony in India.


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