V o c a b u l a r y(14th May,2017)
1. *MENDACITY*(NOUN): insincerity
*Synonyms*: deceit, deception
*Antonyms*: honesty, truthfulness
*Example Sentence*:
He is full of mendacity.
2. *MERCURIAL* (ADJECTIVE): temperamental
*Synonyms*: erratic, impulsive
*Antonyms*: steady, tranquil
*Example Sentence*:
I don’t like his mercurial behaviour.
3. *PROMULGATE* (VERB): make known
*Synonyms*: declare, notify
*Antonyms*: hide, suppress
*Example Sentence*:
He promulgated Ravi as his son before everyone.
*Synonyms*: profligate, wanton
*Antonyms*: careful, moral
*Example Sentence*:
Cheating on someone is a promiscuous deed.
5. *OCCULT* (ADJECTIVE): mysterious
*Synonyms*: concealed, hidden
*Antonyms*: clear, exposed
*Example Sentence*:
It is considered as an occult document.
6. *OBSEQUIOUS* (ADJECTIVE): grovelling
*Synonyms*: complacent, compliable
*Antonyms*: arrogant, presumptuous
*Example Sentence*:
He does everything with obsequious nature.
7. *OBNOXIOUS* (ADJECTIVE): offensive
*Synonyms*: annoying, hateful
*Antonyms*: decent, pleasant
*Example Sentence*:
Touching someone without prior consent is an obnoxiousdeed.
8. *MURKY* (ADJECTIVE): gloomy
*Synonyms*: dark, dreary
*Antonyms*: bright, cheerful
*Example Sentence*:
He is in murky mood these days.
9. *MUTINOUS* (ADJECTIVE): rebellious
*Synonyms*: anarchistic, defiant
*Antonyms*: compliant, obedient
*Example Sentence*:
This man has been mutinous leader throughout his life.
10. *NASTY* (ADJECTIVE): awful
*Synonyms*: unpleasant, disgusting
*Antonyms*: good, nice
*Example Sentence*:
This room is filled with nasty smell.
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