V o c a b u l a r y(21st may,2017)

1. *BOLSTER* (VERB): strengthen

*Synonyms*: help, aid           
*Antonyms*: hinder, stop

*Example sentence*:

This step is taken to bolster the relations between the two countries.

2. *MULTITUDE* (NOUN): crowd

*Synonyms*: mass, throng                   
*Antonyms*: paucity, minority

*Example sentence*:

There was a huge multitude in that mall.

3. *DYSPEPTIC* (ADJECTIVE): irritable

*Synonyms*: crabby, grouchy            

*Antonyms*: cheerful, happy

*Example sentence*:

I dislike dyspeptic people around.

4.  *PLATITUDE* (NOUN):  truism

*Synonyms*: banality,  cliché                   

*Antonyms*: coinage, original saying

Your platitude is meaningless and does nothing for my anger.

5. *DEBACLE* (NOUN): breakdown

*Synonyms*: collapse, drubbing                    

*Antonyms*:attainment, creation

*Example sentence*:

That moment was a tome of debacle for me.


*Synonyms*: meek, timid                    
*Antonyms*: confident, extroverted

*Example sentence*:

Don’t be a diffident spectators if crime is taking place before your very eyes.

7.  *ANNUL* (VERB): abolish

*Synonyms*: abrogate, cancel     

*Antonyms*: allow, continue

*Example sentence*:

The practice of immolation had been annulled already.

8. *EXPURGATE* (VERB): sensor

*Synonyms*: bleep, decontaminate            

*Antonyms*: make dirty, contaminate

*Example sentence*:

It seems to me that it is immoral to try to expurgateanything from the sacred writings of the past.

9. *DEMURE* (ADJECTIVE): reserved

*Synonyms*: shy, reticent             

*Antonyms*: bold, brave

*Example sentence*:

He is a demure person.

10. *INNUNDATE* (VERB): have a strong emotional effect on.

*Synonyms*: touch, overwhelm         

*Antonyms*:underwhelm, unimpressed  

*Example sentence*:

We've been inundated with their compliments for our new car.


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