*V o c a b u l a r y (9th May,2017)

1. *PURVIEW* (VERB): acumen

*Synonyms*: awareness, cognizance 

*Antonyms*: ignorance, misconception

*Example sentence*: 

These kinds of cases should come within the purview of the legislation.


*Synonyms*: beforehand, premature 

*Antonyms*: stupid, unintelligent

*Example sentence*: 

He is a precocious baby.

3. *PITHY* (ADJECTIVE): cogent

*Synonyms*: concise, terse 

*Antonyms*: lengthy, wordy

*Example sentence*: 

She wrote a pithy article.

4. *PENURY* (NOUN): dearth

*Synonyms*: insufficiency, poverty 

*Antonyms*: affluence, plenty

*Example sentence*: 

She has not seen any kind of penury.

5. *PERUSAL* (NOUN): scrutiny

*Synonyms*: inspection, survey 

*Antonyms*: neglect, ignorance

*Example sentence*: 

I want this veggie to be gone through deep perusal.

6. *PERQUISITE* (NOUN): perk

*Synonyms*: advantage, bonus 

*Antonyms*: disadvantage, loss

*Example sentence*: 

She got perquisite along with a handsome salary package.

7. *PERJURY* (NOUN): falsehood

*Synonyms*: deception, dishonesty 

*Antonyms*: frankness, openness

*Example sentence*: 

I don’t believe in perjury.

8. *PERPETUAL* (ADJECTIVE): continuous

*Synonyms*: ceaseless, eternal 

*Antonyms*: temporary, limited

*Example sentence*: 

This is a perpetual phenomenon.

9. *PAMPER* (VERB): regale

*Synonyms*: coddle, cosset

*Antonyms*: upset, hurt

*Example sentence*: 

You must not excessively pamper this child.

10. *PROLIFIC* (ADJECTIVE): fruitful

*Synonyms*: abounding, copious 

*Antonyms*: barren, unfruitful

*Example sentence*: 

His hard-work gained him prolific results.


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