V o c a b u l a r y(16th may,2017)

1. *PERIL* (NOUN): danger

*Synonyms*: insecurity, jeopardy             

*Antonyms*: safety, security

*Example sentence*:

Everyone knows drinking phenyl is an act that will put your life in peril.

2. *CAPTIVITY* (NOUN): confinement

*Synonyms*: custody, incarceration                   

*Antonyms*:liberty, liberation

*Example sentence*:

Nelson Mandela was freed from prison after 27 years in captivity.

3. *LEVERAGE* (NOUN): advantage

*Synonyms*: power, influence             

*Antonyms*: weakness, decrepitude

*Example sentence*:

Owing to the gasoline shortage, the fuel suppliers have a great deal of leverage in the pricing war.

4. *BRACE* (VERB): prepare

*Synonyms*: fortify, gird                 

*Antonyms*: weaken, detach

*Example Sentence*

Better be braced for your upcoming examinations.

5. *SIMMER* (VERB): be tense

*Synonyms*: be angry, be agitated                    

*Antonyms*:soothe, be happy

*Example sentence*:

The resentment between the two teams has been simmering all season.

6. *EXTERMINATE* (VERB): annihilate

*Synonyms*: decimate, extinguish             

*Antonyms*: create, build

*Example sentence*:

A huge effort was made to exterminate the rats.

7. *DOOM* (NOUN): calamity

*Synonyms*: cataclysm, disaster     

*Antonyms*: blessing, boon

*Example sentence*:

The feeling of impending doom continued hitting my mind.

8. *LOOM* (VERB): to come into view

*Synonyms*: hover, mount emerge           

*Antonyms*: decline, descend

*Example sentence*:

The island loomed through the mist.

9. *RUGGED* (ADJECTIVE): strong

*Synonyms*: hardy, robust              

*Antonyms*: weak, delicate

*Example sentence*:

He's rugged and durable, but not the best technical boxer.

10. *APLOMB* (NOUN): assurance

*Synonyms*: equanimity, confidence          

*Antonyms*: fear, goucheness

*Example sentence*:

I could never walk in high heels with the same aplomb as the fashion models.


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