V o c a b u l a r y(7th May,2017)

1. *WRY* (ADJECTIVE): ironic

*Synonyms*: sarcastic, sardonic 

*Antonyms*: forthright, straightforward

*Example Sentence*: 

Wipe that wry grin off your face. 

2. *PRY* (VERB): poke

*Synonyms*: intrude, spy 

*Antonyms*: neglect ignore

*Example Sentence*:

Don’t pry into everybody else’s life.


*Synonyms*: loathsome, vile

*Antonyms*: respectable, reputable 

*Example Sentence*:

He is such a despicable man.

4. *DERIDE* (VERB): disdain

*Synonyms*: disparage, ridicule

*Antonyms*: compliment, praise

*Example Sentence*: 

Imposters are individuals who deride other people.

5. *TEPID* (ADJECTIVE): dull

*Synonyms*: apathetic, unlively 

*Antonyms*: keen, enthusiastic

*Example Sentence*: 

He saw a tepid movie.

6. *DEFILE* (VERB): corrupt

*Synonyms*: besmirch, desecrate 

*Antonyms*: honour, praise

*Example Sentence*:

You have to pay someday for your defile behaviour.

7. *DEPLORE* (VERB): abhor 

*Synonyms*: bemoan, denounce 

*Antonyms*: commend, laud

*Example Sentence*: 

How can you deplore her behavior?

8. *DEFRAY* (VERB): pay

*Synonyms*: fund, settle 

*Antonyms*: take, accept

*Example Sentence*:

She defrayed the bill.

9. *DECIPHER* (VERB): analyse

*Synonyms*: decode, interpret 

*Antonyms*: conceal, hide

*Example Sentence*: 

She couldn't decipher her language but still she had to feign emotional.

10. *DEFER* (VERB): delay

*Synonyms*: postpone, prolong 

*Antonyms*: hasten, hurry

*Example Sentence*:
Don’t defer the meeting now.


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