V o c a b u l a r y(13th May,2017)
1. *EXTANT* (ADJECTIVE): in existence
*Synonyms*: surviving, existing
*Antonyms*: dead, extinct
*Example sentence*:
I found an extant Palazzo pants in the market.
*Synonyms*: brilliant, dazzling
*Antonyms*: dull, ugly
*Example sentence*:
It was a resplendent moment.
3. *CERTITUDE* (NOUN): sureness
*Synonyms*: assurance, confidence
*Antonyms*: uncertainty, doubt
*Example sentence*:
I found certitude in his voice.
4. *NICHE* (NOUN): a comfortable or suitable position in life or employment.
*Synonyms*: vocation, opportunity
*Antonyms*: joblessness, unemployment
*Example sentence*:
Manveer is now head of the company and feels he has found his niche.
5. *RECKONING* (NOUN): calculation
*Synonyms*: estimation, computation
*Antonyms*: guess, doubt
*Example sentence*:
It does not need so much reckoning.
6. *UTOPIAN* (ADJECTIVE): imaginary
*Synonyms*: fanciful, illusory
*Antonyms*: real, original
*Example sentence*:
Don’t live in utopian world.
7. *SAVVY* (NOUN): intelligence
*Synonyms*: acumen, intellect
*Antonyms*: ineptness, stupidity
*Example sentence*:
It was her savvy that saved our lives.
8. *POUNCE* (VERB): leap at
*Synonyms*: attack, dash
*Antonyms*: aid, assist
*Example sentence*:
The frog pounced on an insect in the well.
9. *SERENDIPITY* (NOUN): accidental discovery
*Synonyms*: happenstance, good luck
*Antonyms*: misfortune, bad luck
*Example sentence*:
He is not a maestro it was just a serendipity.
10. *MOOT* (ADJECTIVE): doubtful, arguable
*Synonyms*: debatable, unsettled
*Antonyms*: decided, resolved
*Example sentence*:
The matter is becoming increasingly moot.
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