V o c a b u l a r y(15th May,2017)

1.  *NOISOME* (ADJECTIVE): stinking

*Synonyms*:smelly, disgusting          

*Antonyms*:good, pleasant

*Example Sentence*: 

The atmosphere of the room seemed to become noisome.

2. *NOMADIC* (ADJECTIVE): itinerant

*Antonyms*: native, settled

*Example Sentence*:

On the whole, however,  nomadic life is at the  present day, the exception.

3.   *NONCHALANT* (ADJECTIVE): careless

*Synonyms*: casual, unconcerned              

*Antonyms*: careful, concerned 

*Example Sentence*:

He does not care for
anything as he is nonchalant.

4.  *NUISANCE*  (NOUN): problem

*Synonyms*: trouble,bore      
*Antonyms*: benefit,

*Example Sentence*: 

It's a real nuisance having to pick up the kids from school every day.

5. *NINCOMPOOP* (NOUN): idiot

*Synonyms*: fool, blockhead               

*Antonyms*: perspicacious, sagacious

*Example Sentence*: 

Only a complete nincompoop would believe a story like that.

6.  *MYRIAD* (ADJECTIVE):innumerable

*Synonyms*: countless, endless    
*Antonyms*: bounded, calculable

*Example Sentence*:

There are myriad jobs in IT sector this year.

7. *MUTABLE* (ADJECTIVE): changeable 

*Synonyms*:variable, flexible                    

*Antonyms*:certain, definite

*Example Sentence*: 

Time space and matter are mutable realities.

8. *MUSE* (VERB): consider

*Synonyms*: reflect,think              

*Example Sentence*:

He lay and mused in the warm sunlight.

9. *MORTIFY* (VERB): cause to feel shame

*Antonyms*: please,soothe

*Example Sentence*: 

He mortified her mother by creating a conspiracy against his brother.

10. *MORONIC* (ADJECTIVE): stupid

*Synonyms*: foolish,idiotic             
*Antonyms*:intelligent, sensible

*Example Sentence*: 

He is moronic by nature. 


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