V o c a b u l a r y (18th may,2017)

1. *MASQUERADE* (NOUN): disguise

*Synonyms*: mask, imposture             

*Antonyms*: honesty, reality

*Example sentence*:

Nobody can keep up the masquerade for long.

2. *FARRAGO* (NOUN): a confused mixture.

*Synonyms*: mess, fuss                   
*Antonyms*: liberty, liberation

*Example sentence*:

A farrago of fact and myth about him was presented.

3. *AVER* (VERB): affirm

*Synonyms*: assert, avouch             

*Antonyms*: deny, discredit

*Example sentence*:

He averred the case, before the judge.

4. *CLICHE* (NOUN): over used phrase

*Synonyms*: conclude, hackneyed            

*Antonyms*: new phrase, contemporary phrase

*Example sentence*:

I hate the cliche that women should stay at home.

5. *IMPUNITY* (NOUN): freedom

*Synonyms*: exemption, privilege                    

*Antonyms*:imprisonment, prohibition

*Example sentence*:

A criminal escaped from captivity and enjoyed impunitytill his arrest.

6. *ENSCONCE* (VERB): fix

*Synonyms*: establish, install                      

*Antonyms*:unsettle, disarrange

*Example sentence*:

The engineer  ensconced  the antenna.

7.  *OUTRIGHT* (ADJECTIVE): complete, unconditional

*Synonyms*: absolute, definite           

*Antonyms*: uncertain, indefinite

*Example sentence*:

I stood for the outright decision.

8. *EXASPERATE* (VERB): agitate

*Synonyms*: annoy, enrage               

*Antonyms*: calm, appease

*Example sentence*:

He was exasperated over a freelancer.

9. *HIITCH* (NOUN): glitch

*Synonyms*: problem, difficulty              

*Antonyms*: chance, opportunity

*Example sentence*:

He was entrapped in a hitch.

10. *IMPREGNATE* (VERB): drench

*Synonyms*: saturate, infuse          

*Antonyms*: dehydrate, dry

*Example sentence*:

I saw a new product impregnated with natural oils.


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